Too many good people I have known have left this world way too soon by suicide. I found I have much in common with Andrea and her Sons connection with the world around us. Although such tragedy, Andrea, and those who shared in this book, helped me deal with a deeper understanding of how we treat our world reflects back at all life on this planet.
Words cannot convey the kindness, wisdom and selfless openness that has been shared by writing this story. With all my heart, mind, soul and spirit I thank this author for allowing us to read such a personal affair.
I was saddened reading, however, there is one particular story that filled me with joy and which seemed to balance all the sorrow. This short story drove me into a state of purity where their was absolutely no fear or no sorrow. It was like I was greeted at the end of a storm with this really beautiful rainbow. The love that just pours out of it reminded me of the truth of innocence. The truth of respect. And the truth of leaving something behind for others. Thank you.